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Escape from the dark land into the land of the King and his magic pillars. A story of a young girl being found and discovering who she is, what she dreams of doing, and how she can serve others.
Struggling to get free from the Dark Lord's control, she is aided by a powerful woman taking her through the Nightmare Tunnel, Cemetery of Dreams, Playback Court and finally into the land of the Magic Pillars and freedom. 

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Escape from the dark land into the land of the King and his magic pillars. A story of a young boy being found and discovering who he is, what he dreams of doing, and how he can serve others.

Struggling to get free from the Dark Lord's control, he is aided by a powerful woman taking him through the Nightmare Tunnel, Cemetery of Dreams, Playback Court and finally into the land of the Magic Pillars and freedom.

Buy Kindle, Paperback, Audio


This is an awesome allegory, teaching and encouragement.  I love how you’ve reduced complex principles to precise and understandable basics.  It lends me good ideas to implement in future endeavors.".


— M.O.

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